image credit: /manikins-mannequins-dummies-72042/
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit……………..
Generally all of you know about the above mentioned text. It is a dummy text or Lorem Ipsum which has no real meaning. When you’re setting up a new website or developing a new theme, you need a sample content for their demos.
It takes a lot of time to create a dummy content manually on your website. WordPress has some handy dummy content filler plugins that helps you to generate dummy content on your WordPress website.
Best Dummy Content Filler Plugins for WordPress
In this article, we’ve listed some best dummy content filler plugins for WordPress that help you out to add dummy content.
1. WP Example Content
WP Example Content is one of the simplest plugin that helps you to generate dummy content on your WordPress website. The plugin add dummy text that helps you in developing a new themes or website. You can delete the whole content with the help of this plugin.
One of the disadvantage of the plugin is that it only adds dummy posts. It doesn’t category, tags, comments etc. to your website.
Features of WP Example Content
- Add six types of posts like multiple paragraph post, image post, post with links, Blockquote post, UL and OL post and post with header text from H1 to H5.
- Allows you to remove all the dummy content in just a single click.
- Format posts with different styles.
Get WP Example Content
2. FakerPress
FakerPress is a new plugin that creates dummy content to your website. The plugin provides an easy solution to all the WordPress developers and users to create a fake content for testing purpose. The plugin creates all the important data which is needed to setup a website.
The plugin helps you to get your work done in couple of seconds.
Features of FakerPress
- Creates all kind of dummy content like posts, users, tags, categories and comments.
- Delete all the content once you’re done with the testing.
- Allows you to output images to your HTML tests.
- For comments, it creates real browser data instead of leave a field empty.
Get FakerPress
3. Lorem Ipsum Generator Shortcode
Lorem Ipsum Generator Shortcode is another best dummy content filler plugin available for WordPress. The plugin enables you to generate dummy content in posts and pages on your WordPress website. It is very simple plugin and do not provide much options.
In other words you can add dummy text in your post or page using shortcodes. The plugin is easy to set up and doesn’t require much configuration.
Get Lorem Ipsum Generator Shortcode
4. Demo Data Creator
Demo Data Creator is another popular dummy content filler plugin for WordPress. The plugin allows a WordPress developer to create demo users, blogs, posts, comments and blogroll lin. If you’re testing out your site with BuddyPress or Multisite enabled then Demo Data Creator is right plugin for you.
The plugin allows you to add dummy content for both of these setups.
Features of Demo Data Creator
- Adds and lets you control the number of users, categories, tags ,posts, comments, pages etc.
- Deletes all the dummy data from your website.
- On BuddyPress it adds and lets you control the number of Groups, wire messages, friends, member status.
Get Demo Data Creator
5. WP Dummy Post Generator
WP Dummy Post Generator is another simplest Dummy content filler plugins for WordPress. The plugin allows you to add dummy posts and dummy categories to your WordPress website. The plugin also let you specify a Blog Name and Title to be set.
You can export the settings of the plugin on another blog as well. The plugin will generate predefined set of subcategories and categories and creates random posts in them.
Get WP Dummy Post Generator
Wrapping Up
The above mentioned dummy content filler plugins are the best way to get an idea how the content looks on your website. These plugin do not have any complex configuration.